Below you will find circuit role profile templates. Please do download what you need for your churches:
If you cannot find a description for a particular role within your church, please contact Rev’d Paul Collings, the Circuit Safeguarding Team Leader.
Role Profiles are important to enable you to know what to expect of your volunteers, and for your volunteers to know what each role requires of them. In light of DBS checks, it easily allows you to highlight the roles which need a check, and what doesn't. It also helps you see what volunteers who hold many roles may need to ensure that they are safe, and others around them are too.
NB the following roles with an * will not normally require DBS check unless their role has substantial contact with children or vulnerable adults. Any work or occupation that involves regular contact with children or vulnerable adults is classified as "Regular Activity" by the Disclosure and Baring Service (DBS).
Church Council Member Elected members do not require a DBS check to sit on Church Council. However the following, please note, a minimum of 3 people sitting on Church Council must have a DBS check. One of these must be the Safeguarding Officer.
Church Gardener - Graveyard Steward - A DBS certificate is not required for this role *
Church Rota Coordinator - A DBS certificate is not required for this role *
Church Council Secretary - A DBS certificate is not required for this role *
Church Maintenance Volunteer - This role is not required to have a DBS check *
Church Steward - If this role in itself does not involve direct contact with children and young people, or with adults at risk of harm, a DBS certificate may not required for this role. However see Church Council Member above.
Church Treasurer - Due to the financial responsibility of this role a satisfactory standard DBS certificate is required to be renewed every 5 years.
Church Steward - A DBS certificate is not required for this role *
Cradle Role Secretary - This role is required to have a DBS check *
Door Steward- A DBS certificate is not required for this role *
Flower Arranger - A DBS certificate is not required for this role *
House Group Leader - This role is required to have a DBS check *
JMA Secretary -This role is required to have a DBS check *
Local Preacher - This role is required to have an Enhanced without barred list check - NB a local preacher will not be permitted to preach without a current DBS certificate; renewed every 5 years.
Meeting Secretary - This role is required to have a DBS check *
Musician/Organist - If in the role of Musician (organist/choir leader) there is any involvement with children, young people or adults at risk of harm, a satisfactory enhanced DBS certificate is required to be renewed every 5 years.
Pastoral Group Secretary - This role is required to have a DBS check *
Pastoral Visitor Level 1 - (This pastoral visitor will not be expected to become involved in the day to day affairs of the person being visited or having contact with them other than to enquire about their general health and well-being and engage in social discussion (rather than more involved personal matters). If the Pastoral Visitor is visiting the individual as a friend and NOT as their Pastoral Visitor, the Pastoral Visitor should make this clear at the outset.)
Pastoral Visitor Level 2 (This pastoral visitor will be involved in more substantial support.)
Pastoral Visitor Level 3 (This pastoral visitor is someone who visit and have contact regularly and undertake specific personal care tasks)
Prayer Team Member - This role is required to have a DBS check *
Property Steward - This role is required to have a DBS check *
Publicity Coordinator - This role is not required to have a DBS check *
Screen Operator - This role is not required to have a DBS check *
Social Media Coordinator - This role is required to have a DBS check
Sound Operator - This role does not require DBS check *
Sunday Club Coordinator - This role does not require a DBS check. However, if the person undertaking the role is also a Sunday Club Leader or Assistant, they will require a full enhanced and barring DBS check.
Vestry Steward - This role does not require DBS check unless it involves direct work with children or vulnerable adults.
Website Coordinator - This role does not require DBS check unless it involves direct work with children or vulnerable adults.